
Assisted Living Rooted in Friends, Family, and Faith

Care for dementia is the fastest growing segment of assisted living, and facilities across the country are straining to deliver on their promises of security and attentive care. Our homes are limited to 3-4 residents, each of whom have personalized, one-on-one care.

Over 1,000 books and articles have been written showing the power of religion in health, including a study of 68 Alzheimer’s patients that found those with ‘higher levels of religiosity and spirituality were associated with a slower progression of Alzheimer’s disease.” The study included Christians, Jews, a Buddhist and an atheist.

Dementia is a difficult disease and freedom of movement is very important for overall health, mind, body and spirit.  You can’t keep people in isolation, and we are working to locate our homes in residential neighborhoods throughout the country to help you find one close to family and friends.


Our Mission is to provide women like Nancy Lee a safe place where they feel loved like family, supported by friends, and embraced by faith. Even if they don’t remember any of those things, they can have a place where they can ‘feel’ them just the same.

“Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.”

On Giving by Kahlil Gibran


The people you relate to but aren't related. Share your experiences and listen to theirs. Receive
kindness and offer it in return. These are the basic principles of being a friend. They are the
attributes that made Nancy Lee such a great friend. Your donations help assure we can find care
givers who can offer friendship when residents are not able to be with theirs.


The people you relate to but aren't related. Share your experiences and listen to theirs. Receive kindness and offer it in return. These are the basic principles of being a friend. They are the attributes that made Nancy Lee such a great friend. Your donations help assure we can find care givers who can offer friendship when residents are not able to be with theirs.


We're not guaranteed in life to be blessed with a wonderful family. Nancy Lee was so blessed. Providing the experience of being surrounded with family is a cornerstone of our service. We want our guests to be free of fear, apprehension, and loneliness. Your gifts will help us build or acquire homes in neighborhoods across the country to help assure their guests remain as close as
possible to family and friends.


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Nancy Lee spent her last few months in between visits with family and friends in the loving care of the Missionary Sisters of the Rosary of Fatima. Your donations help us work with religious orders focused on caring for the elderly to find vocations and to increase their ranks.

General Pat Brady, a Medal of Honor recipient, has described the military wife as the fairest of God’s creatures. They are the heroines behind our heroes who could not defend our freedoms without them. His wife Nancy Lee was a legend among military wives who kept and cared for their families for many years while their husbands were in harm’s way. She was herself kept and cared for by Catholic religious sisters in her dying months. In honor of her and the wonderful Catholic religious sisters who cared for her, General Brady set up a Foundation dedicated to her passions; orphans, unwed mothers and the elderly. She cared for her own mother from age 90 to 100. The Foundation will work with the Catholic religious sisters to build orphanages and Nancy Lee Homes to care for those with the disease that took her life, with special consideration for military families and veterans.

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The General and Nancy Lee Brady Foundation

General & Nancy Lee Brady Foundation Donor Advised Fund is managed by the Catholic Community Foundation. Catholic Community Foundation is an Autonomous Pious Foundation and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Texas.

©2021 Nancy Lee Homes, Inc.
